Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Tarot Workshop--ATTEND!

Samhain was a heavy one and I still have a mess o' stuff to process. I promise to come and gab about me-me-me later-later-later, but first, want to promote a workshop I'm doing in partnership with the Tahuti Lodge of New York City. I also should go vote, but have a snoozing familiar on my lap and these moments are sooo hard to come by...

I will be teaching "BURN THE F***KING BOOK: READ TAROT LIKE THE PROS" as part of the world-wide commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of the Rider-Waite Tarot deck (also known as the Waite-Smith) publication in partnership with the Tahuti Lodge on 12/5. This is a great class to better know the Tarot--whether you've been reading for years or just picked up a deck last week. The class is designed to get you to take the important step of putting down the instructional book and letting the cards speak for themselves.

Would be readers frequently say, "I want to read Tarot, but I still have to use the little book in the box...." In this class, we will be focusing on connecting the characters of the Tarot to you and your experiences as well as touching on the history of the Tarot and its place in the contemporary world. Through these methods, it will be easier to shrug off the little white book that can inhibit the oracular nature of the cards.

The class will run 4-7 on Saturday, Dec. 5th. The fee is $20. Bring your cards (any deck will do!) and a notebook. Spread the word and bring your friends! This class will be great for the novice or the seasoned Tarot reader! More than that, my classes are fun and definitely don't suck.

Space is limited and reservations strongly encouraged: http://tarot.tahutilodge.org/

Blessed Be, Pretty Babies!!!


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